10 July 2013

What a surprise!

The last day I was playing and... never I have been seen something similar ;)

7 June 2013

Yesterday, -=|B2K|=- , me, and other people (SWE, BAD, TC) we tested map in server -=|B2K|=-, and we played a war, a lot of fun :D!! All was right, we haven't found any bug and all loved the map!. ^^

So you already can play the map in the server -=|B2K|=- !!

Good job and thank you so much guys!

5 June 2013

V2 Rocket Facility Extended

Hello everybody!
I begin writing the first post and firstly I want to say that this blog is dedicated to game Medal of Honor Allied Assault (PC), in this blog you will find modified maps, tutorials, mods, and other files, but not cheats or hacks.

In this case I want to show my new map "The V2 Rocket Facility Extended". This map is a modified version of original, is the same map but with new routes, new ambient, an other objective added and more surprises...